Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving countdown, 3 days

I don't really have a set menu for Thanksgiving yet, but it will probably be pretty traditional.  There's the turkey, of course, stuffing (made with sourdough bread and whatever else I decide to add), mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce.  I'll make some sort of green vegetable, and my mom will bring the sweet potatoes.  I should make pumpkin pie but may ask my mom to do it.  Regular Recipe Geek readers know how I feel about making pie!
In the meantime, I've been checking out the following list of Thanksgiving side dishes and trying to decide which ones to try. I may not try them for Thanksgiving itself, but they might make good subjects for a future Recipe Geek post or two.  If you have a favorite, feel free to vote!

1 comment:

  1. I vote the acorn squash w/ apples and bacon. mmmmmmmm bacon!
